Events: Open Science & Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Konferenzen, Seminare, Webinare, Online-Panels und mehr: An dieser Stelle finden Sie relevante Veranstaltungen aus den Bereichen Open Science und den Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Sie sind selbst Event-Organisator und möchten Ihre Veranstaltung in den Kalender aufnehmen lassen? Gerne! Kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.

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Open Education Week 2025

3. März 20257. März 2025
Organised by: Open Education Global

As this is not always the best timing for different parts of the world, we list any event, online or in person, from early January past late March. The purpose is to make Open Education globally and locally visible regardless of date. See the 216 events currently listed on the calendar.

We invite you to add your own OEWeek Events, any activity happening anywhere in the world that you are organizing to highlight the benefit and impact of Open Education. Also, we invite you share any open assets / resources through three pathways to as an expression to the world of what we collectively are making available as part of Open Education Week.

How To Use Creative Commons Licenses

4. März 2025
Organised by: University of Saskatchewan

“Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization that maintains a set of user- and creator-friendly copyright licenses that you can attach to your work to communicate how it can be used and distributed by others.” (quote from this quick start guide).

In this session Kate Langrell, USask Copyright Coordinator, will review the Creative Commons licenses and share how to attach one to your work. She will also touch on the relationship between Generative AI materials and Creative Commons licenses, and what to do if you want to use part of someone else’s work within your own Creative Commons work.

File organization in Figshare: options and suggestions for researchers and curators

4. März 2025
Organised by: Figshare

Figshare offers multiple ways to organize and publish your research—whether it’s datasets, supporting materials, learning objects, or other research outputs. But how do you decide the best approach? Should you publish all your files in one item? Or would a collection serve your research better?

Join us for this webinar where we’ll break down Figshare’s organizational tools, including items, projects, collections, and the new folder upload option. You’ll gain practical guidance on when to use each method to maximize the impact and accessibility of your research.

IGDORE ReproducibiliTea and Open Science Coffee

5. März 2025
Organised by: IGDORE

ReproducibiliTea is a journal club initiative that has resulted in journal clubs about open science and replicability in academic departments all over the world (see for more history and information). IGDORE is now proud to announce our own ReproducibiliTea journal club fully online, allowing people to join from wherever they happen to be in the world!

This journal club is suited for beginners to open science. To fully understand what the open science movement is built upon, we will cover important basic concepts and discuss the most seminal works. Each session will be based on an article which all participants read in advance. Depending on the session topic, other resources such as Youtube videos or optional reading may be provided to facilitate the discussions. These will always be optional; you are never expected to prepare more than reading the session article.

Everyone is welcome – from student to Nobel Prize laureate; from intern to CEO. No prior knowledge is required to participate, but the article discussions will probably be more valuable to you if you have a university-level understanding of quantitative and/or qualitative research methodology

Workshop: IT- und Datenkompetenz im FDM – Fokus 2: SQL

5. März 2025
9:00 - 13:00
Organised by:

SQL (Structured Query Language) und darauf aufbauende relationale Datenbanken ermöglichen es, Daten strukturiert abzulegen und abzufragen. Im Zuge dieses Hands-on-Workshops werden Grundkenntnisse und Konzepte zum effizienten Abfragen von Forschungsdaten mittels SQL vermittelt. Ziel des Workshops ist es, Sie mit der Abfragesprache vertraut zu machen.

Verwendete Methoden des digital durchgeführten Workshops sind Live-Coding, Einzelübungen, Plenums- und Gruppenarbeit sowie Diskussions- und Reflexionsrunden, die durch Fallbeispiele ergänzt werden. Der Workshop wird von Rabea Müller (ZB MED) ausgerichtet. Es werden keine besonderen IT-Kenntnisse vorausgesetzt.

Statistical thinking

6. März 2025
Organised by: Data Train

Data science approaches are based on statistical/mathematical methods as well as computer science competences. In this context, it is crucial to understand the basic principles of statistical methods. This will help to adequately apply statistical methods and to produce reliable statistical results.

Workshop: IT- und Datenkompetenz im FDM – Fokus 3: Wikidata

6. März 2025
9:00 - 13:00
Organised by:

Wikidata ist eine offene und freie Datenbank in der heterogene Informationen in Form eines Wissensgraphen (Knowledge Graphen) abgelegt und abrufbar sind. Ziel ist es, eine menschen- und maschienenlesbare, interdisziplinäre sowie multilinguale Ressource bereitzustellen. Als Teil der Linked Open Data Cloud wird dabei auf offene Standards wie RDF oder SPARQL aufgebaut. Durch diese Eigenschaften ist Wikidata auch sehr attraktiv für das Forschungsdatenmanagement. Im Zuge dieses Hands-on-Workshops werden Sie mit den zugrundeliegenden Konzepten und der Nutzung von Wikidata als auch mit verschiedenen Werkzeugen wie Scholia im FDM-Kontext vertraut gemacht.

Verwendete Methoden des digital durchgeführten Workshops sind Einzelübungen, Plenums- und Gruppenarbeit sowie Diskussions- und Reflexionsrunden, die durch Fallbeispiele ergänzt werden. Der Workshop wird von Dr. Till Sauerwein und Rabea Müller (ZB MED) ausgerichtet. Es werden keine besonderen IT-Kenntnisse vorausgesetzt.

Vernetzungsforum: Publikations- und Kostenmonitoring mit institutionellen Repositorien

10. März 2025
Organised by: Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft Humboldt Universität zu Berlin

Nach einer inhaltlichen Einführung durch das Projektteam, referieren Expert:innen zu konkreten Handlungsoptionen hierzu. Anschließend erarbeiten wir in Kleingruppen handhabbare Lösungen für das Publikations- und Kostenmonitoring im Kontext institutioneller Repositorien. Die Ergebnisse des Forums werden durch das Projektteam in Form einer Handreichung dokumentiert. Insgesamt werden so die Entwicklung von Best Practices im Bereich der Informationsinfrastrukturen auf nationaler Ebene unterstützt und die Vernetzung der Open-Access-Professionals gefördert.

Open Science Retreat

11. März 202512. März 2025
Organised by: ZBW

Our next topic will be “Artificial Intelligence and Open Science”. More information will follow.

Research Data Access and Preservation (RDAP) Virtual Summit

11. März 202513. März 2025
Organised by: Research Data Access & Preservation Association

The theme of RDAP Summit 2025 is Evolutions in Data Services: Forging Resiliency. We encourage proposals that explore concepts such as technical, human, and organizational durability and flexibility in response to challenges and changes in research and data service needs.

Maximising Your Impact

12. März 2025
Organised by: Liverpool John Moores University

In this workshop we will identify what impact is (and isn’t), the different types of impact and the potential ‘reach and significance’ of your research. You will reflect on how well prepared you are to create and capture impact and look at the important role played by your stakeholders. You will leave the session having made a good start on your Impact Map, which will provide a useful guide for you as your research evolves.

How to open science to society: Citizen Science

12. März 2025
Organised by: Italian Reproducibillity Network, AIP - Associazione Italiana di Psicologia

Uta Wehn, Associate Professor of Water Innovation Studies at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, The Netherlands, talks about Citizen Science.

Data and Information management

12. März 2025
Organised by: Data Train

A comprehensive management of research data is part of each research project and belongs to good scientific practice. It accompanies each phase of a research project – from the proposal phase via data acquisition and data analyses to the publication phase. The overall goal of research data management is the production of findable (F), accessible (A), Interoperable (I) and reusable (R) – FAIR – data sets.

A good stewardship of data (following the FAIR principles; Wilkinson et al., 2016) and an open data culture (Nosek et al., 2015) foster reproducibility as well as sustainability in science and makes up the fundament for data science applications.

E-Science-Tage 2025: Research Data Management – Challenges in a Changing World

12. März 202514. März 2025
Heidelberg & Online
Organised by: Universität Heidelberg Universitäts-Rechenzentrum

Die E-Science-Tage sind eine interdisziplinäre Konferenzreihe rund um die Themen Forschungsdatenmanagement und Open Science – mit vielseitigen Angeboten für den fachlichen Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft und Technik. Save the Date!

Reihe: Chancen durch Offenheit – Impuls 1: Grundlagen – Urheberrecht in der Lehre, Creative Commons und freie Lehr-/Lernmaterialien

13. März 2025
Organised by: Open Education Community BW

Chancen durch Offenheit – eine Reise durch Urheberrecht, Creative Commons und was offene Lizenzen  ermöglichen.

Turning PDFs into Research Data (2025)

13. März 202514. April 2025
Organised by: BERD

Do you ever feel that the data you need for your research is accessible but it’s not in a convenient table, such as company reports or building plans?

Perhaps the information you need is spread out across many different documents?

If only we could read and extract structured data from thousands of written documents. 

In this course, we explore how to accomplish this task by combining web scraping, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and Natural Language Processing (NLP). Over four weeks, we provide online lessons and interactive sessions to learn the fundamentals of these key technologies.

Confronting injustice through Open Science symposium

13. März 2025

In this symposium, we will explore how Open Science can help to fight injustice, by centering decolonial and anticolonial Open Science initiatives. Together, we aim to raise awareness about the neglect justice in mainstream Open Science practices and explore actionable pathways to embed justice and equity as fundamental values of Open Science.

For this, we will specially focus on three topics related to injustice and Open Science:

  • Expanding the definition of ‘science’ in Open Science to be more inclusive to diverse knowledge production approaches.
  • Diamond open access publishing as an alternative to working with commercial publishers.
  • Advocating for contextual, rather than absolute, openness as a means of centering justice.

Asking (the right) research questions in data science

13. März 2025
Organised by: Data Train

“An approximate answer to the right question is worth a great deal more than a precise answer to the wrong question” said the renowned statistician John Tukey as early as 1969.

Based on my own experience in statistical consultations, much confusion occurs due to a mismatch between research question and data/methods. However, even more fundamentally, the research question is often not even clearly articulated at the outset – perhaps because researchers anticipate that the right question can only be answered approximately. But how can we discuss what data and methods are suitable, if we are unclear or vague about the question to be answered? It seems that now, in the era of big data characterised by an abundance of data and a similar abundance of methods for analysing the data, the issue of asking the right question receives a new urgency.

Horizon Europe Open Science requirements in practice

14. März 2025
Organised by: openaire

Have any doubts or questions about your obligations as a Horizon Europe (HE) grant holder in terms of Open Access to publications and Research Data Management? We will present the HE requirements, followed by some time for your questions to our experts. You will also get a preview of the main tools and services OpenAIRE provides to help project coordinators and research support staff on the requirements’ compliance.

Learn about:
– Mandatory and recommended Open Science requirements in HE.
– Compliance with the HE Open Access to publications mandate.
– Managing and sharing Research Data in HE projects.
– Delivering Data Management Plans and reporting publications and datasets in HE.
– OpenAIRE tools and services to support HE projects.

PathOS Training Session: Exploring the Academic Impact of Open Science

17. März 2025

Join us for a PathOS training series – an engaging webinar on the academic impact of Open Science.

We will delve into key findings from a scoping review on academic impact and explore practical insights from case studies on Open Access in AI and climate – specifically focusing on gender dynamics and industry impact. Featuring experts Thomas Klebel (KNOW) and Petros Stavropoulos (ARC).

Discover key insights into how Open Science is shaping research, industry and policy and engage in a live Q&A to explore new opportunities for enhancing academic impact through open practices.

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